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Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Plus Kunci Jawaban

Berikut ini ialah pola latihan soal Ulangan Akhir Semester 1 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik-adik yang duduk di kursi Sekolah Dasar kelas 4.
Berikut ini ialah pola latihan soal Ulangan Akhir Semester  Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) on a, b, c, or d !
1. Ten + twenty =
a. eleven
b. twelve
c. thirty
d. twenty two

2. I have ... fingers
a. ten
b. nine
c. five
d. seven

3. A cow has ... feet
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

4. Six , twelve, eighteen, twenty four, ...
a. twenty five
b. thirty
c. twenty eight
d. thirty four

5. 10 – 5 =
a. ten times five equal five
b. ten divided by five equal five
c. ten and five equal five
d. ten less five equal five

6. 2 x 3 = 6
a. two times three equal six
b. two divided by three equal six
c. two and three equal six
d. two less three equal six

7. X : ... ?
    Y : “My name is Emmy”.
a. What is your name
b. Where is your name
c. Who is your name
d. When is your name

8. A : ... ?
    B : “He is my teacher”.
a. What is he
b. Who is he
c. Why is he
d. Where is he

9. A : “Look ! She is beautiful girl”.
    B : “What is ... name?”.
a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Our

10. Kevin : “... ?”
      Reno : “I am ten years old”.
a. How are you
b. How old are you
c. What is your name
d. Who are you

11. My mother is a secretary.
     ... works in a private company
a. He
b. She
c. We
d. They

12. I am ... television at night
a. watching
b. reading
c. listening
d. studying

13. Father and mother are my ...
a. parents
b. teacher
c. friends
d. family

14. A : Are you Yudha ?
      B : ...
a. Yes, I am
b. No, I am
c. Yes, am I
d. Yes, I am not

15. Is this a book ?
     ... This is a bag.
a. No, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is
d. Yes, it is not

16. Tina and Talita :” Good night, dad”.
Their father : “Good night dear, ... .“
a. Thank you
b. Be careful
c. Have a nice dream
d. Have a nice trip

17. Is this your book ?
a. No, it is
b. Yes, it is
c. Yes, I am
d. Yes, it is not

18. We use tongue for ...
a. tasting
b. chewing
c. thingking
d. walking

19. The colour of bananas are ...
a. red
b. white
c. blue
d. yellow

20. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the ...
a. farm
b. field
c. garden
d. road

21. Its colour is white. We use it for writing on the blackboard. It is ...
a. cupboard
b. table
c. pencil
d. chalk

Berikut ini ialah pola latihan soal Ulangan Akhir Semester  Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban
She is ...
a. sweeping the floor
b. cleaning the floor
c. mopping the floor
d. watering the floor

23. Andra likes listening to the ...
a. music
b. television
c. picture
d. toys

24. X : “Where is the flower vase?”
      Y : “It is ... “.
a. at the wall
b. on the table
c. at the door
d. on the door

25. My mother cooks in the ...
a. kitchen
b. garden
c. garage
d. bed room

26. I ... drinking a glass of water.
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. do

27. The colour of the sea is ...
a. black
b. grey
c. white
d. blue

28. There is a pencil. We use it for ...
a. reading
b. cooking
c. writing
d. eating

29. Ariel goes to school everyday. He is a ...
a. doctor
b. student
c. farmer
d. soldier

30. The colour of our flag is ...
a. red and white
b. black and white
c. red and black
d. red and blue

II. Fill the blank with suitable words !
1. Alexa ... a diligent student.
2. A : “... a chair?”
    B :” Yes, it is”.
3. There are ... days in December
4. Rani : “ ... ?”
     Yuli : “Today is Sunday”.
5. The children ... playing doll
6. We can see many animals in the ...
7. We use ... for seeing
8. The cat has four ...
9. We sit on the ...
10. It is very hot. Turn on ... please !

III. Translate into Indonesian !
1. Soraya has long hair
2. We speak using our mouth
3. There are many books on the table
4. We usually have dinner at 7 p.m
5. Arif And Fajar are playing kite

IV. Write in English !
1. Ada sebuah meja
2. Rumahku higienis dan rapi
3. Pak Andi mengajar di kelas
4. Mereka sedang menyanyikan lagu Garuda Pancasila
5. Ayah menyimpan uangnya di bank


Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun 2018/2019

Kunci Jawaban room I
1.c  2.a  3.d  4.b  5.d  6.a  7.a  8.b  9.b  10.b  11.b  12.a  13.a  14.a  15.b  16.c  17.b  18.a  19.d  20.b  21.d  22.a  23.a  24.b  25.a  26.a  27.d  28.c  29.b  30.a

Room II
1. is
2. Is it
3. 31
4. What is a day
5. are
6. zoo
7. eyes
8. legs
9. chair
10. fan

Room III
1. Soraya mempunyai rambut panjang
2. Kita berbicara memakai lisan kita
3. Ada banyak buku di atas meja
4. Kita biasanya makan malam pada pukul 7 malam
5. Arif dan Fajar sedang bermain layang-layang

Room IV
1. There is a table
2. My house is clean and tidy
3. Mr.Andi teaches in the class
4. They are singing Garuda Pancasila song
5. Father saves his money in the bank

Warning : Harap tidak mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban yang ada di blog Jadilah blogger kreatif dengan tidak melaksanakan copy paste dan mempublish ulang ! Terima kasih

Itulah pola latihan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk berguru dan berlatih. Silahkan dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Dengan tekun berguru dan berlatih, biar siswa mendapat nilai yang memuaskan. Trima kasih.

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