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Soal Modal Auxiliary, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris Dan Jawaban

Berikut ini Soal Modal Auxiliary, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris dan Jawaban. Seperti biasanya, soal ini berupa kuis atau tes online bahasa Inggris yang mana kalian sanggup eksklusif menjawab soal dengan cara mengklik bulatan di depan balasan yang kalian anggap paling benar. Jika balasan kalian benar atau salah pun, maka skor akan eksklusif ditampilkan otomatis. Skor untuk satu soal ialah 5.

 soal ini berupa kuis atau tes online bahasa Inggris yang mana kalian sanggup eksklusif menjaw Soal Modal Auxiliary, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris dan Jawaban

Tes Online "Modal Auxiliary"
Petunjuk: klik lingkaran yang ada di depan balasan yang benar. Poin untuk satu soal ialah 5

1. You can't do the test if you don't study. You .... stay at home and study harder.
be able to

2. Mr. Tukul has a large house and three luxury cars. He .... be rich.

3. It's very cold and windy outside. If you don't have a coat, you .... borrow mine.

4. They told me that they .... like to go to the beach.

5. Nina asked her mother :" .... I leave now?"
ough to

6. I saw someone smoking at the petrol station, so I said ....
"You need not to smoke here".
"You need have smoked here".
"You need not have smoked here".
"You will smoke here".

7. Policeman : .... I see your license, please?"
Driver : "Sure".

8. The poor woman looks so hungry and tired. Tell her that he .... have some food.

9. Is mathematics difficult? I conclude ....
mathematics might be difficult
mathematics must be difficult
mathematics should be difficult
mathematics will be difficult

10. It's going to rain. You .... bring an umbrella.

11. Since he has already borrowed the book for months, .... it right away.
he will have returned
he would returned
he ought to return
he had returned

12. A : "Mrs. Barbara has been in Solo for ten years".
      B : "Really? She ....speak Javanese very well then".
is able to

13. The floor of this classroom is dirty. We .... clean it.
have to

14. Nana :" Is Putri able to swim very well?"
      Ayu : "Yes, she is. She .... swim very well.

15. Romi :"Now, my brother can speak three languages".
     Juna : "Two years ago, he .... only one".
can speak
could speak
must speak
should speak

16. Indah didn't answer when I knocked at the door. She .... sleeping.
may be
must be
can be
might have been

17. He must have seen me eat the fish, mean ....
I must eat the fish
he must see me eat the fish
I conclude that he saw me eat the fish
he could see me eat the fish

18. The oil was frozen. Mother couldn't use it to fry the fish. I'm sure it .... very cold last night.
will have been
would have been
should have been
must have been

19. It is not neccessary for you to go, means ....
You mustn't go
You shouldn't go
You needn't go
You won't go

20. I could have asked somebody else to carry the box, means ....
I carried the box
somebody else carried the box
I asked someone to carry the box
I didn't ask someone to carry the box

Bagaimana kuisnya? Lumayan gampang kan? Dengan cara ibarat ini, mencar ilmu menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Kalau masih ingin tau dengan kuisnya,   COBA LAGI

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Fungsi 14 Modal Auxiliary

Aturan Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary dan Similar Expression of Modal

Itulah Soal Modal Auxiliary, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris dan Jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

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